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Collin O'Brien
October 2, 2023
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4 min read

Denglisch-free business communication | Strategies for credibility

In a world where emails travel from one continent to another in seconds, the importance of speaking a universal business language has never been greater . . .
Denglisch-free business communication | Strategies for credibility

Denglisch-free business communication | Strategies for credibility

In a world where emails travel from one continent to another in seconds, the importance of speaking a universal business language has never been greater. For businesses operating in regions like D-A-CH-LI, striking the right chord without falling into the Denglisch trap is a delicate balancing act.

But why is pure, Denglisch-free communication pivotal, and how do we ensure our messages resonate? In this article, we'll explore effective business communication tactics in English that will help you convey messages clearly and build stronger professional relationships.

The Denglisch dilemma

As English is used more frequently in German businesses, Denglisch seems to be popping up everywhere — in casual chats, project presentations, and even those seemingly endless email threads.

And while Denglisch might bring a chuckle or two in informal settings, Denglisch in the boardroom is a whole different story. Nobody wants to watch a deal go south because of an innocent-sounding Denglisch term that meant something entirely different in English!

Woman saying oh no

Why your business should communicate clearly

Every word, every email, and every presentation is a representation of your brand's promise. Here’s why clear and professional communication matters:

Building trust: Trust is the backbone of business. When your communication is straightforward and free of jargon, your partners and clients feel reassured. They see an entity that values clarity and, by extension, values its relationships.

Avoid those oops moments: Dipping too often into the Denglisch pool? It might just trip you up. Misunderstandings can lead to delays, added costs, and sometimes, even a strained relationship.

Professionalism in every word: Imagine attending a business meeting dressed in pajamas! Using mixed languages in professional setups can feel similarly out of place. Clean, Denglisch-free language indicates a business that's detail-oriented and respects its audience.

Mastering Denglisch-free business communication

Grow and adapt: Organizing business language training sessions is a smart move. It sharpens skills and promotes a shared language ethos, making team collaborations smoother and more productive. Just think of it as linguistic gymnastics — every session flexes those communication muscles!

Such trainings often introduce staff to the nuances and subtleties of language, preventing inadvertent slips into Denglisch. They foster a culture of continuous learning, making employees more confident communicators, regardless of their audience.


Digital lifelines: In this tech-driven age, several tools are ready to assist. From grammar checkers to business language software, they're like your personal language watchdogs, ensuring your content remains Denglisch-free.

These tools are constantly revised with new words and evolving language patterns, ensuring you always get the most up-to-date language support. Embracing this technology not only streamlines the writing process, but also acts as a quality control measure.


Consistent brand voice: By standardizing communication formats, be they email templates or report layouts, you're ensuring a uniform brand voice. It sends out a strong message: "We’re cohesive and organized." Such consistency also makes onboarding new team members easier. They have clear guidelines to follow, ensuring that despite personnel changes, the company's external communication remains consistent.


It's not just about language: Truly effective business communication acknowledges cultural intricacies. Recognizing unique cultural idioms and sayings enriches dialogues and deepens connections.

Furthermore, appreciating and incorporating these subtleties can set a business apart, showcasing its global mindset and adaptability. This can be especially beneficial in negotiations or partnerships where cultural respect can cement stronger ties.


Open conversations: Constructive feedback is a growth catalyst. By welcoming suggestions and observations about your communication style, you're paving the way for constant improvement.

Encouraging such open dialogue creates a positive work environment where employees feel valued. Their feedback could provide insights that might have been previously overlooked, ultimately refining and enhancing the business's communication strategy.


Double-checking: Just as chefs taste their dishes before serving, having your critical communications reviewed can help you know whether they are truly ready. It's surprising what a fresh perspective can catch. This review process isn't just about spotting Denglisch or other errors; it's also about ensuring that the content aligns with the company's values, objectives, and messaging.

Person checking papers

Stay in the know: As with fashion, languages change over time. Regular updates ensure you're not stuck in last season's linguistic trends. Just as businesses adapt to market shifts and industry innovations, so too should their language. Hosting regular workshops or subscribing to language resources can keep a team updated, ensuring that communication remains fresh, relevant, and effective.

Communicating with more than just words

Hear them out: Being a good talker is just half the game. Being an excellent listener? Now, that's a superpower. It's all about tuning in, interpreting nuances, and responding appropriately.

Clarity over brevity: While it's tempting to send that quick, short email, take a pause to ask yourself, “Does it convey everything I need it to?” Being clear trumps being concise every single time.

The power of visuals: A well-placed graph or a crisp infographic can cut through pages of text. They simplify, clarify, and engage.

Empathize: Empathy breaks barriers. Whether you're addressing concerns or negotiating, an empathetic approach can smooth potential rough edges.

Flexible communication: Some love a good story; others prefer bullet points. Gauge your audience and tweak your style. It shows respect and consideration.

Beyond words: Your body talks, even when you're silent. From a reassuring nod to a confident handshake, non-verbal cues often speak louder than words.

Man in suit nodding

In the vast, diverse world of business, where cultures merge and collaborations are the order of the day, effective communication becomes key. By sidestepping Denglisch and wholeheartedly embracing clear communication practices, businesses can not only strengthen ties but also build lasting, impactful relationships.

So, the next time you draft that email or step into a meeting, remember: business communication isn't just about language; it’s about connecting. Let's make every word count!