
Not sure if you’ve got a bad case
of Denglisch? Just paste the link to
your website and let our Docs
examine it for you. It’s absolutely FREE.

Strict confidentiality

Everyone at Denglisch Docs has signed an NDA and
works under strict contractual obligations to treat
your documents with absolute confidentiality.

You are welcome to send us your own NDA or legally
binding service agreement.

Total privacy

Personal information is personal. We don’t use it,
we don’t share it, and we don’t sell it. You’re our

customer, not our product.

Industry-leading security

We ensure that all your documents are safely stored
using state-of-the-art 256-bit SSL encryption.
Our infrastructure is hosted in highly secure data
centers in Germany.

Confide with confidence

Björn Leineweber
Data Protection Officer
We are represented in the area of data protection law by Attorney Björn Leineweber of Datenschutz Ruhr GmbH. He is supported by a highly trained and experienced team that includes TÜV-certified professionals. They manage our and your data protection matters appropriately and impartially to ensure data protection and privacy for all parties involved. You can find more information about our Data Protection Officer at