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Lea Mitchell
August 26, 2024
Reading time
1 min read

What exactly does "cringe" mean?

From online fails to real-life blunders, "cringe" captures the awkwardness we all know too well. But what does it really mean and what makes it so relatable?
What exactly does "cringe" mean?

What exactly does "cringe" mean?

"That's so cringe." If you spend any time online, you've definitely seen this phrase pop up in conversations and social media feeds. It's become the internet's favorite way to call something awkward. Here's how to make it a part of your vocabulary.

What makes something "cringe"?

"Cringe" describes that feeling when something is so embarrassing it makes you physically recoil — even if it's not happening to you. It's that instinctive reaction you have when someone else does something awkward or embarrassing, like your boss trying to use teenage slang or finding your old Facebook posts from 2012.


For instance:

"Seeing someone wear socks with sandals makes me cringe."

Man wearing socks with sandals

"Emma cringed when her partner tried some weird dance moves at her friend's wedding."

"Listening to my old karaoke recordings always makes me cringe."


You might also hear the word "cringe-worthy." This is an adjective used to describe something likely to make someone cringe. For example:

"The overly dramatic acting in the movie was cringe-worthy."

"Her long, awkward speech at the party was so cringe-worthy that everyone looked away."

"His attempt at a joke was cringe-worthy."

Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson smiling then quickly frowning

Beyond social awkwardness

Cringe isn't always about social embarrassment. It can also describe physical reactions to discomfort or unpleasant situations — like tightening your shoulders, scrunching up your face, or even looking away instinctively. These subtle movements show how your body reacts to something off-putting. For example:

"He cringed at the sight of the messy room."

"She cringed as the dentist started drilling."

"I always cringe at the sound of nails scraping on the chalkboard."


Who knew one word could capture such a specific feeling so perfectly?


To get a better feel for "cringe," check out our Daily Dose of Denglisch Docs.